Which casino games made it to the top of the 2018 list?

Which casino games made it to the top of the 2018 list?

Published on 12/13/2018 16:47:03

Wow, 2018 is ending and it’s time to finally draw a line between the bygone times of 2018 and the upcoming times of 2019. In the online gambling world, things get more complicated with each upcoming year and hence drawing the list of all casino games of 2018 is a must thing to do.

With December being towards its end, companies and online casino sites are busy in analyzing the popularity of each game and take down the list with the best online casino games in the order of top to down

Are you ready? Just sit down and recollect the best games that you have played this year so far. That will probably give you an idea where you can judge between the games and draw a fine line between the best ones and the better ones- after all, with so much overwhelming casino games, how can someone deem a game as the worst one, even if it is based on a normal classic design?

So, let’s have a look at the games which came out as the best ones amongst the thousands of casino games which are out there!

Roulette that topped the list 2018

Though the roulettes are quite rare with just fifty to hundred games all over the list, it was somewhat easy to judge amongst them and finalize the game that won the competition.

Roulettes are quite simple and all the games nearly match each other. This made the decision far more lucrative as the judges were finally able to declare 20p Roulette as the winning game of the season.

With fifty-four thousand players playing the game throughout the year, the game had become everyone’s favorite one. Therefore, the features of this online roulette played an important role in making this game people’s favorite choice amongst the so many options they had.

Slots which became milestone in 2018

Once decisions were made about the roulette games, it was time for the judging parties to take the one thousand and five hundred slots under scrutiny. And to say the decision-making process was hard would be completely an understatement. After all, it is the slot we are talking about, the type of game. This one never failed to amaze the players to an extent, where they kept the players returning to the same game’s spot. Every time they entered the casinos. Do you understand that? Just check out the game and you won't!

So, when the Centurion slot won the competition, it came with no surprise to the players because Inspired Gaming made quite a nice justice with the features and the gameplay. The slot got around twenty thousand players on an average throughout the year. With the playing time being around three minutes and thirty-four seconds.

The best part of the game is the bonus features which came four in number-

  • Prizeson parade
  • Caesar’s free spins
  • Roadto Rome
  • Wild power spins

In this Roman themed game, you can witness the mighty Colosseum and the Roman knight as the main symbols in the game. A golden wreath is there which is representing the wild symbol in the slot game. There goes the mighty Rome.

Classic Slots 

Among the classic slots, the one that won the list is the Super Hot Fruit retro slot game which ranked seventh in the list. This was expected. In addition, the game had eight thousand and four hundred players which was amazing since the game pretty much represented a classic slot with no such detailed graphical description. And, Many other classic slots were there too.

Check out the following!

1.   The Pelican Pete classic slot came 16th in the competition.

2.   20p classic slot was the thirteenth best game of 2018.

3.   The19th place was given to 7s to burn slot game.

Video slots too were mentioned in the list where the 1-can-2-can video slot came first in the category of the video slots and eleventh in the total list.

The other games that were mentioned in the list are:

1.   Nordic Heroes came fifteenth in the entire game’s list.

2.   The Balloonies slot game took the 12th position.

3.   RedHot Fruits occupied the 24th position.

What about the jackpot slots?

How can anyone forget the in famous jackpot slot games which changed the fortune of so many people worldwide? The jackpot category occupied the 14th position in the entire list,with genie’s pocket being on the twentieth number. Surprising? Not really.

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